Customer Testimonial

  • Holy moly! The delivery of my books were soooo fast! And the books themselves are in a fantastic condition. The Booksagain team is simply wonderful!
    Irene Fischer,
  • I was absolutely blown away! Ordered my books in the morning and received them by that afternoon. All in incredible condition and nicely packaged. The prices are unbelievable, as well. Definitely going to be a return customer. :)
  • Absolutely amazing service. I am really impressed with the quality of the books received. Will definitely be using books again in the near future!
  • My first order delivered within the said time. Quality of books very good. I will continue ordering great reading from Booksagain
    Chris ,
  • Wow! Super impressed with the service and quality of books! Definately a business I will continue to support and recommend!!!!
    Josene Ngwamba,
  • Excellent quality and service. I won't be purchasing at a store in future...Only at BooksAgain. Thank you!!!
  • I just want to say a huge thank you to your team; your services was amazing. The books got to me securely package and in amazing condition exceeded my expectations. I am already planning my next order. Thanks again!!
  • Thank you Marianne, I received my two books today, in superb condition. Great Service, I'm a happy customer, from one book dealer to another, your books are really clean and as you describe them, Thank you -Irene- of Hardcopy Books & Books Galore
    Irene C Koch ,
  • Ordered 13 of the most amazing books on Monday and received them this morning (Thursday). Such good condition and at really great prices.
    Anthea Moodley,
  • My "to go" first stop when searching to complete my book collections. Excellent quality and even better service! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
    Aré van Eck,

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